Julestue Veras Verden

Christmas opening hours in South Zealand & Møn

Photo: Veras Verden

Find Christmas opening hours in South Zealand & Møn here. We have compiled a list of opening hours for the shops in the biggest towns in the region, so you can easily plan your Christmas shopping.

Jul i Næstved City
Næstved City

Opening hours in Næstved City

Jul i Næstved Storcenter
Næstved Storcenter

Opening hours in Næstved Storcenter

Gåsetårnet Danmarks Borgcenter

Opening hours in Vordingborg

Vinter i Præstø
Tage Klee

Opening hours in Præstø

Gisselfeld Kloster Juletorv

Opening hours in Haslev

Stege byport
Tage Klee

Opening hours in Stege

Store Heddinge Vandtårn
Thomas Ix

Opening hours in Store Heddinge